'Our mission here is to hold space, raise the vibration, share truth and gently guide humanity to self heal, love and flow'

Holistic quantum therapist
San Diego, California
Exercise Physiologist
Personal Trainer
Pilates Instructor & Coordinator
Body Therapist
Thai Massage Therapist
Cupping Therapist
Deep Tissue Massage Therapist
Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Therapist
Lymphatic Drainage
Meditation Guide
Health Quantum Coach
Reiki Certified Practitioner
A Bit About Me
Currently living in San Diego, California/USA, where I acquired my second Business & Management college in addition to completing the course at Basi Pilates in Advanced Pilates in Pathology. Acting as Coordinator of training courses and social media for Vida Pilates Studios, and acting as Body Therapist and Yoga Coach for Massage Therapy San Diego.
I'm an Exercise Physiologist and Body Therapist, graduated in Hatha Yoga and Pilates, with skills in Solo, Studio and Suspensus Pilates, as a result of my 14 years of experience. Lecturer and guest teacher in the Complete Pilates Training course at Body Pilates. Project Coordination Move for 6 years taking Yoga, Pilates and Massages to condominiums. Personal Trainer since 2009.
Body Therapist with expertise in various massages such as energetic interactive relaxing, lymphatic drainage, auriculotherapy, thai massage, cupping, deep tissue and reiki. I was in India where I qualified in Ayurvedic Yoga Massage directly with Master Kosum Modak, in addition to acquiring deep knowledge in Iyengar Yoga practicing with Master Usha Devi. Graduated in Anatomy and Biomechanics of Movement. Also I graduated in Heath Quantum Coach where attending online on my own mentorship provides self healing .