'Our mission here is to hold space, raise the vibration, share truth and gently guide humanity to self heal, love and flow'

Reiki 2 Practitioner
Dream Catcher Artist
Bzzzzzz…… 🐝
Déborah means “bee” in Hebrew
I used to consider myself as a busy bee,
fluttering from flower to flower, collecting pollen
(knowledge) as an eternal student of life.
A Gemini Gypsy, wandering around the world,
looking for a deeper meaning to life on Earth.
My Sagitarius North Node was guiding me in this spiritual journey,
which led me to fall in love in San Diego and especially fall in love with Mexico.
Searching for answers, I learned about ancient wisdom,
participated in Temazcal ceremonies and plant medicine rituals,
I connected with my higher self and found the courage to let go of the noise,
inside and out, that was blocking my vision, intuition, inner guidance and blessings.
Through mindfulness practices (yoga, meditation, journaling, tapping, hypnosis, breathwork…) and healing sessions (Reiki, Jyorei, Deeksha, Sound Healing…) I finally found my purpose: to help others heal. Astrology has been my passion and my companion since I was a teenager. It guided me towards my true path & inner peace, during periods of deep depression.
My chart is full of opposite energies which felt like a challenge at first, or even a curse, and turned into a blessing in disguise in the end. It allows me to embrace my duality as a Gemini, accept that I am a powerful paradox, in constant contradiction, to discover peace, balance & bliss.
Bee yourself. Bee happy. Bee present. Bee kind. Bee conscious. Bee weird. Bee fun. Bee creative.
Now I know I'm meant to be a Queen Bee, guiding a colony of wandering honeybees.
I met Xitlali and Dario at an energy exchange hosted by Karina in San Diego and they all became more than a spiritual community, it feels like a soul family to me. Xitlali attuned us to Reiki I & II in 2021, and I’ve been sharing distant Reiki with her in the quantum field. This energy is pure magic. I would love to share it with you.
Feel free to contact me if you are called to book a distant Reiki session or Astrology and tarot reading. 🌙